Free ecourse reveals why people fail in their relationships, cannot handle stress, anxiety and anger, lack self confidence and more

Released on = February 4, 2007, 9:47 pm

Press Release Author = N Gangoli & Co.

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = Use the ancient teachings of the East to deal with modern
problems. The Eastern Philosophy website has released a free ecourse that can
transform your life. These are methods that have worked in my life and can work for
you as well.

Press Release Body = Free ecourse reveals why people fail in their relationships,
cannot handle stress, anxiety and anger, lack self confidence and more

Pune, India.
February 2, 2007

Learn to transform your relationships, gain self confidence, and handle stress,
anxiety and anger.

I have made these changes in my own life so this ecourse describes methods that I
know will work for you.

The Buddha once said-

When faced with the ups and downs of life, Still the mind remains unshaken, Not
lamenting, not generating defilements, always feeling secure, This is the greatest

This is the state of mind that the Buddha wanted for you and which you can grow to
through this free ecourse

Deal with stress - enjoy life in moments of rest, have the attitude of a warrior
to push on towards your goals, develop a sense of perspective towards your
Relationships - stand up for your rights, govern your relationships with Humanity
and Justice as Sun Tzu advised, gain social poise, be happy and self-sufficient
Self love - accept yourself, make change possible through self-acceptance, let go
of false judgments, be self-sufficient, learn poise in social situations, empathize
with others
Anger - learn to care for your anger constructively, transform the energy of
anger, prevent harm to yourself and others
Death - be at peace with the prospect of your passing, learn to die so that you
can truly live your life in the present, deal with loss of loved ones, care for
loved ones at the time of their passing
Build resolve

These benefits are beyond price and they are all available through this ecourse at

The Eastern Philosophy website reveals how the ancient teachings of the East can be
applied in our day to day lives to our benefits. These teachings are vital to the
survival of Man in this age of nuclear weapons and yet it can only be done one
individual at a time. Spiritual growth is a necessity in the present day.

Transform your life for the better and do your bit for Mankind.

Nikhil Gangoli, age 42, a one time accountant has always been interested in
Philosophy - both Eastern and Western. In recent years he has quit the accounting
profession and makes his living online through his site on Eastern Philosophy and
Meditation (

Visit the site and go through the ecourse to transform your life.

Nikhil lives in Pune, India.

Here is what one reader (Amanda Evans) had to say:

Just wanted to thank you whole heartedly for the free and priceless gift that you
have shared. Best wishes to you and your family.

Contact Nikhil Gangoli for more insights into this topic. Direct line:
91-20-27277508 Email: Other helpful information regarding
the ecourse can be found at:

Web Site =

Contact Details = Nikhil Gangoli

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